March 13, 2016

Supporting TSB All Year Round

Shjon works to fight
MS all year long
TSB riders, volunteers and supporters are the BEST! Your efforts don't stop after the 2-day ride, but continue all year round. Fifteen-year-old TSB rider Shjon Richard (left) posted a photo of the team's namesake, Kelly 'Sugarbee' Walker (below) and a donation jar at his (first) job working at Mac's Place in Longmont. Owners Keith and Teresa MacPhail are so supportive of the MS-150 fundraising they are putting this front and center in their restaurant. Way to spread the TSB love Shjon, Keith and Teresa! Thank you to all of you who support TSB to 'take the sting out of MS'.

Next time you're in Longmont, stop by Mac's Place for a delicious breakfast or lunch and meet these great people.

Spencer Guthrie with Kelly 'Sugarbee' Walker and Betty 'Mom Sugarbee' Walker

March 7, 2016

44 TSB Riders Registered So Far

We just took a rider tally for the 2016 ride in Colorado on June 25 & 26. As of March 7, Team Sugar Bee Colorado has 44 riders registered! That's 44 people willing to rides miles and miles to take the sting out of MS. Our fundraising goal for this ride is $100K. We can do it!

There's still plenty of time to register for the CO ride, but don't wait too long. In past years, the ride was full by the end of May. The Two-Day registration fee is now $79 and the One-Day is $50. Hurry and register before the price increases again!

Thanks for Supporting the TSB Bowl-a-Thon

Mom & Pop Sugarbee want to thank all of you who attended and supported our 12th annual Team Sugar Bee Bowl-a-thon. These events could not be held or be successful without your support. You are what keeps us going to help take the sting out of MS, and have fun in the process. Thank you a million times! Buzzzzz!