July 2, 2017

$73,000 Raised and Counting!

Sugarbees! Thanks to all of you for a great 2017 Bike MS event! According to our Team's page, we've raised $73,000 as of July 28. But remember, just because the ride is over doesn't mean it's too late to raise more money to help take the sting out of MS! You can continue to raise money toward this year's ride. Here's two dates you want to note for fundraising deadlines:

August 4, 2017: If you're aim is to qualify for a prize from the MS Society.

September 30, 2017: Or maybe you're like the beautiful Bees below and say 'who cares about a prize - riding for the best damn team is prize enough'.

L-R Christina Stroh, Carmel Crock and Kelly 'Sugarbee' Walker

The Sugarbee Effect by Emma Walker

Emma Walker - blogger, professional camper and niece of Kelly 'Sugarbee' Walker - tells us about her relationship with her aunt and gives us the story of Team Sugarbee from her own unique perspective.

"I don't remember the first time someone told me I looked just like my Aunt Kelly. It's happened often enough that I've internalized it. I don't mind; she is beautiful, and so I consider it a profound compliment. I've never had to try to look like her—when I got married and she offered to give me her wedding gown, it fit perfectly the first time I tried it on, no tailoring necessary—but that is, unfortunately, where our effortless similarities end. In personality, I have to work hard to be more like my aunt."

Read more...on Emma's blog at My Alaskan Odyssey

Team Captain Tim Walker, Jr. Thanks the Team

Team Sugar Bee, 

L-R Tim Walker, Jr., Heidi Walker, Emma Walker, Bix Firer
Thanks for riding in the 2017 Bike MS. It was great to see all of you and ride for a great cause.  You are making a big difference in fighting MS and together we can defeat it.  I am so proud to ride with all of you and bee part of the Sugarbee's.  Kelly is very appreciative and wants to thank all of you again for riding. 

We missed the Bee Stop at lunch, but were able to see "Mom and Pops" at the Sugar Bee Tent Saturday afternoon. They had fun being retired and enjoyed their time with all of the Bees. We are the number 6 team in fundraising and still have 2 more months to turn in pledges.  Awesome job! Bee Happy!

Tim Jr.

CBS Denver Interviews the Walkers of Team Sugar Bee

Check out this great interview with the Walker men from Team Sugar Bee by CBS Denver Channel 4 just before the 2017 Bike MS event. Tim Walker, Sr., Tim Walker, Jr. and Eric Walker share how the team's riders and volunteers have worked hard for 25 years to take the sting out of MS.

"We're not scientists, so we can't find a cure, so we wanted to raise money for that. We can certainly do that." Tim Walker, Jr.


L-R Eric Walker, Tim Walker, Jr., Tim Walker, Sr. and Kelly Werthmann