It's time again for the annual Team Sugar Bee Bar-Bee-Q for all riders and volunteers hosted by Mom & Pop Sugar Bee (aka Betty and Tim Walker).

Bring your family or significant other and ONE of the following side dishes to share with 8-10 people: salad, dessert, beans, veggies, fruit or chips & dip. Mom & Pop will furnish the hamburgers, hot dogs and all of the fixings. There will be soda, lemonade, iced tea & coffee. If you prefer some other beverage, BYOB.
When: Thursday, June 16 at 5:30 p.m.
Where: The Walker Hive at 1410 S. Eaton Street (not Court) in Lakewood. It's located 6 blocks WEST of Sheridan Blvd. and almost one block NORTH of West Florida Ave., east side of street, second house south of Arkansas Ave.
RSVP to Betty or Tim Walker via phone or if you don't have their number, let us know via the
TSB facebook page or our
contact us form.
We'll be outside, so bring a sweater or jacket if you think it might be chilly. Volunteers, this is a good time to get information about the Bee's Lunch Stop in Berthoud on the day of the ride (Saturday, June 25). Hope to see you all there.