May 31, 2016

Great Training Ride Bees!

Thanks to all the Bees who swarmed over to Tim & Heidi's hive for the training ride up Lookout Mountain on Memorial Day weekend. As you can see if was a BEE-utiful day. The 'big' ride is in less than a month. We can't wait! 

May 19, 2016

Lookout Mountain Training Ride Saturday May 28

It's that time of year again. Our annual Memorial Day Weekend training ride up Lookout Mountain is  Saturday, May 28 at 8:30 a.m. This year we'll meet at Rancho Walker (Tim's house) at 7705 Quartz Street in Arvada. 

We will depart at 8:30 a.m., ride to Golden and climb Lookout Mountain. At the top, just past Buffalo Bill's Grave, we'll have a rest stop with snacks, water and sports drinks. But you  might still want to bring a few supplies with you (including repair supplies), just in case. We will pedal back to Rancho Walker and if you have time, stay for breakfast bee-ritos and spend more time catching up with your fellow Bees.

RSVP to and so we can have plenty of food for all our riders! Hope to see you all as we get ready for the main event June 25 and 26.

May 17, 2016

Hey TSB riders, need an excuse to get in shape for next month's 150 ride? Friday, May 20 is Bike to Work Day.

In fact it's Bike to Work Week and it's no surprise that several CO cities rank as having the highest percentage of their residents bike to work on a regular basis. Go Boulder & Fort Collins!

Bike to Work: Cycling Commuters[Source: U.S. Census Bureau]

May 6, 2016

TSB's Big Adventure is Coming Soon

This years MS150 is just over a month away. Join Team Sugar Bee as we delight in riding and helping take the sting out of MS!


May 2, 2016

65 TSB Riders Registered

As of May 2, we have 65 riders registered for the 2016 ride in Colorado on June 25 & 26. The hive is growing! That's 65 people willing to rides miles and miles to take the sting out of MS. Our fundraising goal for this ride is $100K. We can do it!

There's still time to register for the CO ride, but don't wait too long. In past years, the ride was full by the end of May. The Two-Day registration fee is now $79 and the One-Day is $50. Hurry and register before the price increases again on May 9.

Wine Tasting & Fund Raiser - May 22, 2016

You are all invited to the Wine Tasting & Fund Raiser for the MS Society and Team Sugar Bee on Sunday, May 22, from 2 to 5 p.m. Thank you Conrad and Cheryl Swanson for hosting this event for a fifth year, and Pringle's Fine Wine & Spirits. There will also be a silent auction. The suggested donation is $35 per person. Checks can be made payable to MS Society - Team Sugar Bee.

The event is being held at 701 East County Road 76, Wellington, Colorado. The house is handicapped accessible.

RSVP by May 18, to Paul or Deborah Joncas at debjon2020[insert@symbol]

Interstate 25 North to Owl Canyon and head west to County Road 15 (4 way stop), head north to County Road 76 (approximately 3 miles) and turn right. The Box I Ranch will be on your right, (approximately 1 mile).

From Ft. Collins
Take Highway 1 north and bear left towards Waverly onto County Road Highway 15. Head north on County Road 15 (4 way stop) to County Road 76 (approximately 3 miles) and turn right, Box I Ranch will be on your right, (approximately 1 mile.)