Read more...on Emma's blog at My Alaskan Odyssey
Team Sugar Bee is a cycling team that rides each year in the Colorado-Wyoming Multiple Sclerosis Society's annual 150-mile bike rides. This is the place to find out all the info for this very special family and friends team.
July 2, 2017
The Sugarbee Effect by Emma Walker
Emma Walker - blogger, professional camper and niece of Kelly 'Sugarbee' Walker - tells us about her relationship with her aunt and gives us the story of Team Sugarbee from her own unique perspective.
"I don't remember the first time someone told me I looked just like my
Aunt Kelly. It's happened often enough that I've internalized it. I
don't mind; she is beautiful, and so I consider it a profound
compliment. I've never had to try to look like her—when I got married
and she offered to give me her wedding gown, it fit perfectly the first
time I tried it on, no tailoring necessary—but that is, unfortunately,
where our effortless similarities end. In personality, I have to work
hard to be more like my aunt."
Read more...on Emma's blog at My Alaskan Odyssey
Read more...on Emma's blog at My Alaskan Odyssey